Daily Archives: November 25, 2007

Angels in Sunday School

I taught the second lesson in my series on angels this morning, at the request of Jan, our regular Sunday school teacher.  I’m usually one to teach through a book rather than do topical lessons, but this series has been fun so far.  I wrap up on December 16, and after having done a historical survey of Hebrew angel-words, Greek angel-words, some famous philosophers’ takes on angels, some famous poets’ takes on angels (you knew I’d get Milton in there, didn’t you?), and a wrapup lesson on angels in the age of movies, Jan will be able to teach the annunciation narrative in Luke to a class fluent in the history of angels from roughly the second millennium BC to the third AD.

When I finish the series up, I’ll try to remember to post back here with .pdf versions of all five weeks’ handouts.

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